Friday, November 4, 2011

Things I Don't Need To Do

Yesterday, as I was leaving Bible Study, I stopped to chat with my friend Ruth as she was leaving the parking lot.  She expressed an interest in having a craft night again in the near future and apologized for not scheduling one sooner, saying things had been crazy.  I sighed with agreement.  I was also feeling overwhelmed.  She admitted to having a "major meltdown" the week before and I opined that I felt like I was on the verge of the same thing.  So it seems are most of the women I know.  "Something has to give." I said.  And it does.  And it will.  I went home and thought about all the things I have on my "to-do" list, those things that rattle around in my mind constantly-- when I am playing with my child, trying to sleep at night, half listening to the sermon on Sunday.  So I decided to compile a list of my to-do lists.  I have several:  Today's To-Do List, The Short Term Project To-Do List, The Long-Term To Do List, The Floating Around In My Mind List.  Here's what I found:
1.  Cull magazines, cut out dog-eared articles and file in "Idea File"
2.  Organize Idea File
3.  Put away Halloween decorations
4.  Put up Thanksgiving decorations
5.  Prepare strawberries in garden for winter
6.  Make some freezer meals
7.  Organize hall closet
8.  Make a snack drawer for D.D.
9.  Put a hook in the hall closet for D.D. to use
10.  Clean and organize garage
11.  Clean and organize basement
12.  Update October finance spreadsheet
13.  Write a check for the painter
14.  Finish pajama bag for D.D.
15.  Finish crocheting blanket for friend's baby
16.  Clean out cabinets for painting
17.  Make calendar/schedule for D.D.
18.  Schedule date with Hubs
19.  Move summer clothes to basement
20.  Schedule meal for friends with new baby
21.  Clean at Mom's house
22.  Plan gifts for Christmas and fall birthdays
23.  Catch up on return phone calls
24.  E-mail local youth center about volunteer opportunities
25.  Shave legs
26.  Read book group book
27.  Schedule haircut
28.  Schedule brow wax
29.  Make priority list of books to read
30.  Organize freezer
31.  Organize refrigerator
32.  Make playdough
33.  Go to dollar store
34.  Learn to digital scrapbook
35.  Straighten desk
36.  Start a daily devotional time with D.D.
37.  Learn how to can
38.  Make a cereal box organizer
39.  Undertake a scripture memorization program
40.  Start wearing make-up on a more regular basis/ditch make-up altogether (depends on the day)
41.  Clean out the microwave (Really, really gross.  I seriously considered adding a picture.  Really, really gross). 
42.  Pin new items to Pinterest.  (Hi, everyone, my name is Kate and I am an addict.)
43.  Lose 10-15 pounds
44.  Encourage my husband more
45.  Serve more veggies to my family
46.  Post items for sale on Craigslist
47.  Learn to make pie crust.
48.  Hang curtains in bedroom
49.  Any one of the 400 and some items on my Pinterest Boards

Okay, there's more, a lot more, but you get the picture.  And I just decided to stop.  It's time to stop doing so much and start being more.  So begins this blog, dedicated to chronicling my attempts to determine the things I don't need to do.  In the process, I endeavor to reconnect to what Jesus is truly calling me to do.  The first thing to go from the list?  Number 38:  Make a cereal box organizer.  What was I thinking?


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